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Day One hundred & four: Thursday 2nd July 2020

“You're beautiful, You're beautiful, You're beautiful, it's true, I saw your face in a crowded place, …”are some of the words of a James Blunt song, which was popular a few years ago, and I was thinking that with all the anxiety and anger that there is about race and gender etc., wouldn’t it be a good place to start and recognise that all people are beautiful? They are all bright diamonds made in the image and likeness of God and it does not matter that they are not me and I am and not them, we are all sisters and brothers in the Lord, and in this month of the precious blood, we recognise that it fell upon all to the glory of God. Rather than pointing out differences and projecting prejudices wouldn’t it be much better to celebrate the great variety of lives and talents among us, recognising we are indeed all beautiful?