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Day One hundred & seven: Sunday 5th July 2020

Everything seemed to go well today, just over 100 people came along to the two Masses plus those on social media. Masks are optional, and it’s roughly half and half by choice, entrance is taking a little longer because of Track and Chase which is  an option we have decided on to protect our people, just in case. The stewards have done a fine job and we managed to organise Holy Communion with dignity as well as the one way system, so here is to next week. Later on just over 30 joined the Rosary Bubble, which has operated throughout the period and has been a source of prayer for the Parish and Burnage: thank you to this little group. Remember Church is open for Mass during the week and also on Thursday at 12 noon for the Holy Hour, and these events are all broadcast as well. We are hoping for instructions on Confession and Baptisms this week, full details will be published on the Web and later this week we will give details for Church Funerals, which we hope you will not have to organise. Slowly we are getting back to normal, patience may have been tested but I think we are holding up and safety must always be at the heart of all we do.