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Day One hundred & eight: Monday 6th July 2020

It is a sign of things beginning to return to normal as this week I have a Governors meeting for Xaverian and a Diocesan safe guarding meeting; all by Zoom or Teams, though thankfully a Presbyteral Council meeting has been cancelled. I am also trying to get my hair cut, when my Dad was alive and your hair was long, he would ask, if you were becoming a poet? In the meantime a little group gathered for Mass this morning and seemed appreciative that we were open for business! I am minded that spikes of Covid are appearing all over the place, and three recently opened pubs have had to close down because of it; we must also stand ready to do what is necessary if it occurs locally and this is the reason why we are operating Track and Trace when you come into Church. I am grateful to the volunteers who clean the used areas of the Church after each event, and to the Parishioners who are having to change habits of lifetimes to sit in different places in Church. In the mean time let’s keep the prayers going and let safety be our watch word.