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Day One hundred & nine: Tuesday 7th July 2020

Another day comes round and it is probably just like any other, but don’t underestimate what you can do, through your prayers and your kindness. Let patience be your strength, don’t give up on yourself nor on others: understand your time may not be about harvesting but be about gently sewing the seed, and the reality may be that you may not see the fruit, but fruit there will be. You may say I am weary and tiered I can’t possibly have anything to share or to give: take these words of St Teresa of Calcutta to heart,

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop".

A dripping tap is so annoying, it distracts and gets us off our chair to do something; in other words my little droplets keep dripping!"