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Day One hundred & fourteen: Sunday 12th July 2020

Another Sunday and about the same number came to Mass as last week: this time there were a few new faces and people are obviously getting used to the system we have to use. A good number turned up for the Rosary Bubble and for the 13th week the sun shone. Can I ask that families hoping to have children baptized should begin to speak to Annie or Janice through the Baptism web page, as we intend to start again in the next few weeks. Likewise if you are planning a wedding for next year or even much later this year please get in contact with us. If sadly your family may need to plan a Funeral we can now allow Requiems and Services in Church, but these will be basic and private with no more than 30 people. As we try to get back on track, we must be prepared for setbacks, and I notice that Covid Spikes are occurring in quite a few places around the County and that is the reason we must continue to be careful and at all times safe.