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Day One hundred & twenty: Saturday 18th July 2020

Somebody sent me this, today thought I’d share it with you to give you a giggle: The kids have all their little texting codes…like BFF, WTF, etc.

So here are some codes for seniors:

ATD – At the Doctor’s
BFF – Best Friend’s Funeral
BTW – Bring the Wheelchair
BYOT – Bring Your Own Teeth
DWI – Driving While Incontinent
FWBB – Friend with Beta Blockers
FWIW – Forgot Where I Was
FYI – Found Your Insulin
PBL – Pacemaker Battery Low
GHA – Got Heartburn Again
HGBM – Had Good Bowel Movement
IMHO – Is My Hearing-Aid On?
LMDO – Laughing My Dentures Out
OMMR – On My Massage Recliner
ROFL…CGU – Rolling on the Floor Laughing…Can’t get Up!
TTYL – Talk to You Louder
WAITT – Who Am I Talking To?
WWNO – Walker Wheels Need Oil

Hope these help!