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Day One hundred & twenty eight: Sunday 26th July 2020

We managed to get a full Church today for 10am Mass, needing to use the gallery to fit everyone in. It is good to see so many familiar faces venturing out, and this week there were many new returning parishioners dipping their toes in the Parish Bubble. It is also good to share with others on Social media, I can sense your wave at the sign of peace. Let me also thank our team of stewards who are doing a great job, and especially when everyone has gone they systematically collect the green dots and clean up after us, ready for the next Mass. Can I also mention if you do not feel up to coming along, especially if you are shielding or a little frightened of going out, please don’t worry about missing Mass or anything like that, the Lord understands and the Church has told us not to take risks and do what we can. We soldier on, knowing that we must take things step by step, and for every step we take the Lord is with us.