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Day One hundred & twenty nine: Monday 27th July 2020

The days pass by and we seem to be taking two steps forward and then one step backward. We just need to stop and think, like Mary we need to ponder things in our heart. Travelling abroad seems so appealing and the thought of sun and sea is so tempting, but we need to remind ourselves that Covid-19 has not gone away and has a nasty habit or reoccurring when you least expect it, that’s why it’s important to be prudent and safe. As yesterday’s Gospel reminds us, what is our real treasure and are we willing to risk losing it for the sake of suns and sea? So let’s keep battling on; perhaps this quote from St Thomas More may be a source of encouragement to us

“Nobody owns anything but everyone is rich - for what greater wealth can there be than cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety?”