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Day One hundred & forty five: Wednesday 12th August 2020

Thank you to those who responded last weekend to the CAFOD appeal around £100 came in and more during the week. With all our troubles at home it is easy to forget those who are in a worse state than we are because many don’t have the same infrastructure to protect and support them, here is part of a homily by Pope Francis speaking about the feeding of the 5000 which is quite apt:  “Jesus was well aware of what He was about to do, but He wanted to change their attitude: not to say, “send them away,” “let them fend for themselves”, “let them find something to eat”, but rather, “what does Providence offer us to share?” These are two opposite ways of behaving. And Jesus wants to bring them to the second way of behaving because the first proposal is that of the practical person, but is not generous: “send them away so they can go and find, let them fend for themselves.” Jesus thinks another way. Jesus wants to use this situation to educate His friends, both then and now, about God’s logic. And what is God’s logic that we see here?: the logic of taking responsibility for others. The logic of not washing one’s hands, the logic of not looking the other way. No The logic of taking responsibility for others. That “let them fend for themselves” should not enter into the Christian vocabulary.”