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Day One hundred & fifty eight: Tuesday 25th August 2020

In a way we become so childlike that when we pray we start with our own adopted formula and then begin to recite the list of intentions that we have and well and good. Could I however encourage you to begin perhaps a little differently, listen to these words of Pope Francis:

”We might ask ourselves - do we remember to praise God? Do we thank Him for the great things He does for us? for every day that He gives us, because He always loves us and forgives us, for His tenderness? In addition, for having given us His Mother, for the brothers and sisters He puts on our path, and because He opened Heaven to us? Do we thank God, praise God for these things? If we forget the good, our hearts shrink… If at least once a day we were to “magnify” Him, then we would take a great step forward. One time during the day to say: “I praise the Lord”, to say, “Blessed be the Lord”, which is a short prayer of praise. This is praising God. With this short prayer, our hearts will expand, joy will increase.”