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Day One hundred & sixty eight: Friday 4th September 2020

First Friday opens us once more to the beauty of the Sacred Heart, which in turn expresses the immense love God has for each and every one of us. We in turn are asked to share this with others because a gift given is always better when we share it from the heart. Here are a few words from Pope Francis which you might find helpful?

“Charity is always the high road of the journey of faith, of the perfection of faith. But it is necessary that works of solidarity, the works of charity that we carry out, not divert us from contact with the Lord Jesus. Christian charity is not simple philanthropy but, on the one hand, it is looking at others through the very eyes of Jesus and, on the other hand, it is seeing Jesus in the face of the poor. This is the true path of Christian charity, with Jesus at the centre, always. May Mary Most Holy, blessed because she believed, be our guide and model on the path of faith in Christ, and make us aware that trust in him gives full meaning to our charity and to all our existence.”