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Day One hundred & sixty nine: Saturday 5th September 2020

Is it just me or has the world become a more angry place? Legitimate demonstrations seem now to be an invitation to some to turn to violence but once this happens the vast majority of people stop listening because no matter how legitimate the argument or the cause may be, violence or destruction of property makes people turn off. We can be angry about injustice, but we need to strike a balance in the way we protest and get our point over. I am old enough to remember the “Carnation Revolution” which brought down the Fascist regime in Portugal, without a shot being fired or a life lost, something similar took place in the Philippines. Lasting change only comes about when hearts and minds are won over through discussion, sacrifice, arguments, and the willingness of all sides to give a little. In the mean time we should not underestimate how angry people are because of the Virus: and because of that perhaps the time is not ripe for balanced change! Peace be with you.