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Day One hundred & eighty one: Thursday 17th September 2020

The way we tackle our present difficulties is to go back to basics, cut out the complicated, the peer pressure, the urgency to be cool, the desire to be in, the cleverness to be acidic, and the willingness to be a know all. And the greatest challenge today is rediscovering how to love and all that really means: the sacrifice, the responsibility, the going the extra mile, the willingness to nurture good, the desire for mutual respect, and the understanding that the herd is not everything. St Robert Bellarmine whose feast it is today, used to remind his students this way,

“On the last day, when the general examination takes place, there will be no question at all on the text of Aristotle, the aphorisms of Hippocrates, or the paragraphs of Justinian. Charity will be the whole syllabus.”