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Day One hundred & ninety six: Friday 2nd October 2020

Having a quiet moment on your own? How about a little bit of nostalgia?

Today we celebrate the Guardian Angels, and many of us of an age have happy memories of singing their hymn. Well if ever there was a time when we needed our Guardian Angels it is now as so many people feel isolated and others lonely as the dark nights come and the days get shorter, so sit back, relax, and find here the hymn, hum it or sing it if you can:

Guardian angel, From heaven so bright,
Watching beside me, to lead me aright,
Fold thy wings round me, O guard me with love,
Softly sing songs to me, of heav’n above.
Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild,
Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child.

Angel so holy! Whom God sends to me,
Sinful and lowly, My guardian to be;
Wilt thou not cherish The child of thy care?
Let me not perish My trust is thy pray’r.
Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild,
Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child.

Angel, dear Angel Oh, close by me stay;
Safe from harm shield me, All ill keep away
Then thou wilt lead me When this life is o’er
To Jesus and Mary To praise evermore.
Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild,
Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child.