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Bidding prayers: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11th October 2020


Let us pray for the mission of the Church, and for all our needs


We pray that all church leaders will share their knowledge and understanding of the message of the Gospel to enable us to live the values that will make positive changes to our lives. Lord hear us

We pray for the governments of the world that they may always seek the ways of justice and mercy and be enabled by God’s powerful protection to lead their countries with honesty and integrity. Lord hear us

We pray for the sick. May they receive the help and care they require to live a life that is comfortable and secure. We remember especially the carers of our own community and ask God’s blessing in all they do. Lord hear us

St John Henry Newman whose feast day was celebrated this week, reminded us that “God wills our happiness, but we neither know what our happiness is, nor the way.” We pray for ourselves and for all we know and love, that God may guide our thoughts, words and actions at every moment of our lives especially during this time of uncertainty and challenge. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions. Lord hear us

In this month dedicated to the Holy Rosary we offer our prayers through Mary our mother remembering especially the work of CAFOD; Hail Mary……………………………


Father you are ever faithful and steadfast in your love. We trust in you and seek your help as we offer to you each day our prayers and needs, through Christ our Lord. Amen