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Day Two hundred and eight: Wednesday 14th October 2020

I Attended a Zoom Governors meeting for Xaverian College last night and I just wanted to take a moment to share with you my admiration for the whole College and especially the Head and staff on the incredible work they are doing. It was mesmerising listening to all the hoops they are having to jump through to deliver both online and in College. Twelve months ago things were moving along then suddenly this virus struck and people have found unbelievable skills and talents within themselves to be able to deliver the curriculum: you should have heard some of the ingenuity being used to deliver some of the subjects, it was just incredible. So let’s take a moment to give thanks for our Catholic Colleges and Schools who are going the extra mile and really living up to the charisms of their Catholic heritage and learning; and may I add our admiration to all other Colleges and Schools who are delivering education against all the odds.