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Bidding Prayers: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 18th October 2020


Each day we are faced with choices, to respond to our own wants and desires or to the needs of others. As members of a community of faith, let us ask the Lord to help us to follow in his way of self-sacrifice and humble service.


As we celebrate World Mission Sunday we pray for all missionaries, especially those who face hardship and persecution. May they be filled with courage, energy and enthusiasm that will make them effective and inspirational messengers of the Gospel, bringing hope to the world’s poorest people. Lord hear us

We pray for all parts of the world that suffer from violence; may those involved in fighting recognise the human cost of war. We ask that the suffering so many endure will lead to peace and security especially for families driven from their homes. Lord hear us

We pray for local leaders that are tasked with managing Coronavirus restrictions within their local community. May they show compassion and responsibility and support their communities to respond with patience, understanding and the needs of the most vulnerable. Lord hear us

We pray for a deeper understanding and commitment to mission in our daily lives: that through both our words and actions we might spread the good news of God’s love to all those we meet. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……………… Lord hear us

In this month dedicated to the Holy Rosary we ask Mary our mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary……………………..


Heavenly Father, watch over, protect and bless us as we live out your message of love and compassion: may we be messengers of your love and hope. We make our prayers through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen