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Day Two hundred and twelve: Sunday 18th October 2020

Paying Caesar and giving back to God what is his are very familiar words and to hear them today is just as challenging as when Jesus first spoke them. I suppose in a world which is increasingly secular and material and at times selfish, thinking about others or any concept of God is something which can be easily put aside. Yet the more we become self sufficient the more trouble we get in to and it becomes easier to forget others especially the poor and those on the fringes of society. If the balance of life is weighted only one way you will soon find that life is not about living but merely existing. That is why we need something more than ourselves in our lives to get the balance right and I would recommend that be God made visible through Jesus, who teaches us how to balance our lives out in such away, that we discover exciting gifts within us that don’t deaden life but make it more exciting and fulfilling. Yes give Caesar his due but when you give to God he gives you even more back!