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Bidding Prayers: 30th Sunday in Ordinary time, 25th October 2020


Jesus gave us the commandment to love God above all things and to show love for our neighbour to the same degree that we care for ourselves. Today we come before you, to offer our prayers for those in most need at this time.


We pray for Pope Francis, that the Holy Spirit will guide him with wisdom and love. May his leadership demonstrate profound vision and insight in his support of justice and peace. Lord hear us

Let us pray for those in positions of authority especially our local leaders, that their words and actions may always be guided by gentleness, understanding and compassion. Help them to find just solutions to conflict and inspire hope and confidence. Lord hear us

We pray for all families struggling to cope with current uncertainties and challenges at this time. May their love for one another be strengthened as they seek to support and nurture vulnerable members and find ways to give hope and security for the future. Lord hear us

We remember all local charities who work so hard to meet the needs of the vulnerable in our community. May we recognise and respond safely to help our neighbours and give practical assistance where it is needed. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions………….. Lord hear us

In this month of the Holy Rosary we ask Mary our mother to watch over and guide us as we pray;  Hail Mary……………………


God of mercy, help us to reach out in love and compassion to all those who need our care. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord Amen