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Lockdown News - Updated

Well we find ourselves in Lockdown once more, this time for a month at the moment. I am sorry that the safety measures put in place did not help us to remain open: I know this is very disappointing but if we have learned anything over these months it is patience. Here are our initial plans:

  • Mass Broadcast on our usual Social Media sites at our regular times.
  • Church will be open for private prayer, lighting candles, and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12 Noon until 1pm.
  • The Newsletter will continue to be published online and copies placed in the box in the outer porch of the Church for you to take and share: Holy Souls envelopes can also be also be found there.
  • Mass Sheets are available on the Website.
  • Much appreciated Weekly envelopes can be dropped off during Church opening times or through the Presbytery door, thank you.
  • Requiems are still allowed with no more than 30 people; Baptisms 6 people only.
  • Any changes etc will be published on the Website or in next weeks’ Newsletter.

Until we meet again, God Bless  mjk

For your information here is the latest guidance from the Bishops' Conference.