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Day Two hundred and forty: Sunday 15th November 2020

Looking at talent today, can find us thinking about what we have achieved or the titles we may hold, yet I think when the Gospel was written it was thinking about who we were as a person and how we have invested in each other. Sadly we have heard of the death of Des O’Connor who has been on our televisions for over 50 years as a wonderful family entertainer for which he will always be remembered. Yet what is more beautiful to read about him is what he was like as a person, and the tributes are wonderful about the kind of person he was, kind, affirming, loyal, loving, supportive, would always go out of his way to help someone, able to laugh at himself, and the statement that no one in the business would have anything bad to say about him. For the people who mattered it just wasn’t about the fact he was an entertainer, but rather that he was a good person. And that is how you invest wisely the talents God has given us.