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Bidding prayers: Christ the King, 22nd November 2020


Christ’s rule in our lives brings us peace and freedom. With confidence we turn to our Father in heaven with all our needs.


We pray for the Church and especially for those in positions of authority among God’s people: may we always know the power and love of Christ’s kingship. Lord in your mercy

We pray for world leaders that they may recognise that authority comes from God and to use their power and influence to serve the best interests of the people and communities they represent. Lord in your mercy

We remember our young people especially those struggling to find employment or battling with mental health issues: may they have hearts open to God’s will for them. We pray that they will grow in peace and freedom recognising Christ as their loving king. Lord in your mercy

We ask for God’s blessing on all those who are sick. May they know the comfort and healing of Christ. We pray especially for NHS workers who have shown unfailing courage in facing the challenges presented by Coronavirus. Grant them continued strength and hope for the future. Lord in your mercy

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and all our Holy Souls……….. Lord in your mercy

We ask Mary our Mother to watch over and guide us as we pray: Hail Mary…………………..


Heavenly Father we bring these and all our prayers of our hearts to you. Guide us through these challenging times as we place our trust, hope and love in you through Christ our King who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen