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Bidding Prayers: 3rd Sunday in Advent, 13th December 2020


As we celebrate Gaudete Sunday, we look towards the coming of Jesus into our world this Advent with great hope and joy. Let us place our prayers before him, confident that he understands our needs.


We pray for the Church: may we be a light shining in a dark world offering the peace of God to all who come to us in need and be a source of welcome especially for those who have turned away. Help them to know God’s mercy and love. We pray; Come Lord Jesus come

We pray for political leaders throughout the world: that they will work with integrity and be bridge builders making a highway of peace. May the lands where the Gospel message was first sown see an end to hostilities which have caused division and discord. We pray; Come Lord Jesus come

As Christmas approaches, we pray for all those who do not have a family or friends to share it with, for those who are homeless, poor or hungry. May we as a community share God’s love in the help and support we offer to those in need. We pray; Come Lord Jesus come

We pray for ourselves at this very busy time of the year, may we keep a sense of perspective and put love at the centre of our preparations for Christmas. Grant us the gifts of patience and understanding. We pray; Come Lord Jesus come

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……We pray; Come Lord Jesus come

We ask for the help of our blessed mother Mary to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary…………………………….


Lord, we ask you to prepare a path in our hearts, leading us ever closer to you in all that we say, think and do. Hear our prayers and watch over all those for whom we pray through Christ Our Lord. Amen