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Bidding Prayers: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time, 24th January 2021


Loving God we draw strength from you through these challenging times. Enrich our lives by bringing us closer to your son, Jesus Christ.


We pray that Pope Francis will inspire us to have a love for the Word of God, which not only teaches us but nurtures a great love for the Lord and each other. Lord hear us

We remember Holocaust Memorial Day which is to be held on Wednesday this week. We pray for all those who experienced the horrors of Holocaust and those who have lost their loved ones. We ask that we learn lessons from this atrocity and do all that we can to stop anything like this happening again. Lord hear us

Let us pray for all those who have had to evacuate their homes due to severe flooding, may they be supported in finding safe accommodation and help to restore their disrupted lives. Lord hear us

During this week celebrating Christian Unity we remember our local church communities and pray for their safety and well being. Help us all to be beacons of light at this time of challenge and uncertainty and show our love for God and the Gospel in acts of kindness and in consideration of all our neighbours. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……….. Lord hear us

We ask Mary our Mother to watch over and guide us as we pray: Hail Mary……………………………….


Father, you call all people to the fullness of life in your Son, Jesus Christ, we ask you to hear our prayers and by them draw us closer to you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen