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Bidding prayers: 6th Sunday in Ordinary time, 14th February 2021


We come before you today, with our prayers for our community and the world, knowing that you hear us.


We pray for greater understanding between the peoples of all religions. Our prayers are offered especially for Christians worshipping in the Middle East, that their faith may be respected and allowed to flourish. Lord in your mercy

We pray for the victims of human trafficking and those kept in places or situations against their free will; we ask that compassionate and practical help will enable them to become free. Lord in your mercy

We remember rough sleepers during this cold weather and the people who, through whatever cause, are at risk of losing their homes. May they find security and positive solutions to their difficulties. Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who feel lost and alone in our community: may we be sensitive to their difficulties and come to the aid of those in need. We remember especially those working for the Burnage Foodbank, may we be generous in our support of this successful and vital local community project. Lord in your mercy

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……………… Lord in your mercy

We ask Our Lady of Lourdes to bring peace and healing especially to those who are sick as we pray; Hail Mary………………………


Lord we ask you to hear our prayers, open our eyes to see the hope you offer and inspire us to follow you faithfully, through Christ our Lord. Amen