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Bidding prayers: 3rd Sunday of Lent, 7th March 2021


We bring our prayers before our loving Father, confident that he understands our needs and brings hope and love into our lives.


We pray for our Holy Father Pope Francis as he makes the historic papal visit to Iraq. May his message of peace and inter faith tolerance bring hope and inspire spiritual healing. Protect and guard him against the dual threats of sectarian violence and the Coronavirus pandemic. Lord in your mercy

As schools are set to reopen this week, we remember especially the children, staff and parents of our parish schools. We pray that the pupils will be inspired to take full advantage of learning opportunities and return to the routines and expectations of school life with renewed energy and engagement. Lord in your mercy

We pray for all carers that are nursing loved ones at home and feel isolated and weary. May the Holy Spirit bless, protect and restore them with renewed energy. Lord in your mercy

We ask that during this Lenten season we may take the opportunity to develop our own faith through reconciliation and forgiveness and to open our hearts and minds to new beginnings. We ask for God’s blessing and help with relationships that are difficult and painful. Lord in your mercy

let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……………… Lord in your mercy

We ask Mary our mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary………


Heavenly Father you sent your only Son Jesus Christ to bring your message of salvation to the whole world, hear these prayers which we offer to you in his name, who lives and reigns for ever and ever Amen