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Bidding prayers: 5th Sunday of Lent, 21st March 2021


Let us ask God our Father to let the light of love shine in us and through us to bring hope to all those who walk in darkness.


We pray for our Church leaders and Christians in public life, may their witness always be one of compassion and reconciliation. Help them through the power of your spirit to inspire others to have confidence in God’s love and concern for us. Lord hear us

We remember all those involved with the Covid vaccination programme across the world, we pray that there will be continued success in fighting the pandemic and that supplies reach the most vulnerable in their communities. Lord hear us

We pray for all those that feel persecuted, be that through their race, religion, culture or gender. Grant us the gifts of compassion and understanding and the courage to support those that are unfairly treated. Lord hear us

We pray for those that are worried about their mental health and feeling isolated and lonely. Help us to reach out to those that we know are suffering and offer hope and understanding as they seek the professional help they need. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions…………….. Lord hear us

We ask Mary our Mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary…


Heavenly Father, be with us as we journey towards Easter. We ask you to hear the prayers we offer in the power of the Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord. Amen