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Bidding prayers: 6th Sunday of Easter, 9th May 2021


Let us pray to the Lord for the grace to love one another and show our understanding and compassion as we bring our prayers to him.


We pray that the message of hope Pope Francis brings to the world will sustain the Church and help us to trust in Jesus, confident in the knowledge that he is always at our side. Risen Lord hear our prayer

We remember the people of India, Brazil and other countries struggling with the effects of the pandemic. May the world unite in generous solidarity and bring help and aid to those most vulnerable. Risen Lord hear our prayer

As we begin to move beyond lockdown may we unite in the spirit of hope and apply positive thinking to future decision making. May we apply common sense and patience always mindful of the safety of others in our families and community. Risen Lord hear our prayer

We give thanks to all those who have given so generously to maintain the well being of others and ask for God’s blessing as they continue their work. Risen Lord hear our prayer

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions………….. Risen Lord hear our prayer

In this month of May we pray to Mary mother of the church for her support and protection as we say. Hail Mary…………………


Heavenly Father strengthen us we pray, as we seek to love one another as your son commanded us, so that we may bring peace and reconciliation to your troubled and divided world: Through Christ Our Lord. Amen