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Bidding prayers: 7th Sunday of Easter, 16th May 2021


Let us offer our intercessions to the Lord for the Church and for peace in the world.


We pray that all leaders in the Church may be blessed with the fruits of the Holy Spirit enabling them to be courageous witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus. We pray: Risen Lord hear our prayer

Today as we mark World Communication Day, may God grant us the skills and spiritual strength to spread the Good News of the gospel in our words and actions. We pray: Risen Lord hear our prayer

We pray that social media may be used responsibly and to benefit both our personal and working lives in a positive way. Grant us the courage to reject negative aspects that may harm us personally or cause offence to others. We pray: Risen Lord hear our prayer

May this community be a source of strength and comfort and inspire hope for the future. Help us specially to care for those whose lives have been affected by the loss of a loved one, so that we may bring light into the darkness. We pray: Risen Lord hear our prayer

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……………….. We pray: Risen Lord hear our prayer

In this the month of Mary we ask our blessed mother to strengthen and protect us as we pray: Hail Mary……………………………………


Heavenly Father, hear our prayers and by your grace keep us true to your name, through Christ our Lord Amen