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Bidding prayers: Corpus Christi, 6th June 2021


The Lord loves us so much that he gives us everything, including his very self. Let us bring our needs to him with confidence.


Let us remember all those who serve at the altar of the Eucharist throughout the world. We pray that bishops and priests and deacons will be blessed in their service and may those that God calls into this sacramental ministry find the support and love they need. Lord hear us

We remember all those who cannot for any reason receive the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood with us, may those experiencing any kind of obstacle between them and the Church’s celebrations, be brought more deeply into the love of the Father. Lord hear us

We pray for the children of our parish who are preparing to celebrate their First Holy Communion. May they know a deep and loving relationship with the Lord. Grant them and their families your support and love as they continue their journey of faith. Lord hear us

We pray for the sick and suffering members of our parish community, especially those undergoing hospital treatment. Grant them strength and courage, may they continue to receive the support and love of their family and friends. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……………….. Lord hear us

We ask Mary our blessed mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary……………………………….


Father, we come to you with trusting hearts, ever grateful for your love and support. As we offer these prayers, may you send your spirit ever more deeply into the areas of our concern. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen