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Bidding prayers: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 13th June 2021 (Climate Sunday)


As we mark Climate Sunday, we ask you to hear our prayers that we may protect and enhance our environment, respecting the beauty and wonder of your creation.


We pray that the Church will always be a beacon of hope throughout the world, reminding us all of our responsibility to care and protect God’s precious gift of creation. Lord in your mercy

We pray for the success of the G7 Summit, that all world leaders will unite in their determination to formulate decisions that will secure lasting solutions to environmental crisis and climate change. May their discussions focus on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable people. Lord in your mercy

We pray that we may all recognise the need to care for our environment. Re use, recycle as much as possible and be mindful of how we dispose of rubbish and unwanted goods. Help us to have the courage to protect our local and national green spaces and challenge those who endanger these essential environments. Lord in your mercy

We pray for all organisations that promote the welfare of wildlife especially endangered species. May the work of conservationists enable the safety and future well-being of the most vulnerable creatures on the planet. Lord in your mercy

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……… Lord in your mercy

We ask our blessed mother Mary to watch over and protect us as we pray; Hail Mary…………..


Father we offer these prayers in hope thanking you for the gifts you have created and ask for your protection and strength to preserve our fragile world, through Christ Our Lord. Amen