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Bidding prayers: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 25th July 2021


Lord let us always hear your voice and be guided by you. We bring our prayers confident of your constant love and care for us.


For the Church to perform every day the miracle of the multiplication of the bread of life and the word of salvation. May no one lack nourishment for the body or lack hope that is born of faith. For Pope Francis’ ministry.  Lord hear us

For those of us who are grandparents, may we know how to accompany our families with wisdom and may we learn to pass on the treasure of faith to our grandchildren and to the younger generations.  Lord hear us

For our world as the effects of climate change are experienced by people of every nation. May we take seriously the need to care for our environment and support initiatives to reuse, reduce and recycle. Lord hear us

For all of us older people to live in a manner worthy of the call we have received with humility, gentleness and generosity. May our frailty never prevent us from being strong in love, nor from being consolation for the poor and support for the young. Lord hear us

For families as many prepare for summer holidays. May their love for each other grow through their increased time together and may it be a time of rest and a source of happy memories. Help them to remain safe and protected. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions…………….. Lord hear us

We ask our blessed mother Mary to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary……………


Heavenly Father, who is there for us at all times and in all places, we ask you to listen to our heartfelt prayers and bless us today with your spirit of wisdom, through Christ our Lord Amen