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St Bernard’s Church after Restrictions eased

Masks should be continued to be worn in Church

  1. Parishioners to continue to enter through the centre doors and leave by the side aisles
  2. There are at least 24 single places for parishioners who wish to be socially distanced including any disabled places on both sides of the church near the front. These benches are clearly indicated as ‘socially distanced row’
  3. All other benches are now free for parishioners to use
  4. Stewards are still required to do track and trace and to bring parishioners out for Holy Communion for every Mass.
  5. For weekday Masses – bench rows will be ribboned off so that parishioners can use socially distanced benches if they wish plus a few ‘free’ rows and use GREEN DOTS only for weekday Masses. This will enable stewards to clean church after use.
  6. Saturday 11am Exposition and 12pm Mass plus Sunday 10am Mass all benches to be freed apart from socially distanced rows.
  7. After 10am Sunday Mass benches to be ribboned off which still leaves enough ‘free’ rows plus socially distanced rows for 6pm Mass.
  8. It is hoped that in a few weeks the benches from the side aisles will go back to in front of the windows leaving space at the back of church and Holy Communion at the back may be resumed.

Fr Michael