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Bidding prayers: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 29th August 2021


Inspired by the by today’s Gospel, let us make our petitions to God our loving Father and ask for his protection and strength.


We pray for our Holy Father Pope Francis, that he may continue to be a beacon of hope and light inspiring the world to recognise the need for peace and reconciliation. May his influence help us to act with insight and tenderness to create a loving and secure home: Lord hear us

We pray for all CAFOD aid workers responding to crisis across the world. We remember especially the people of Haiti affected by catastrophic earth quake and tropical storms. For the tragic situation in Afghanistan and also the famine areas of Tigray in Ethiopia, South Sudan and North Eastern Nigeria. May the light of God’s love bring hope  into the lives of these people. Lord hear us

The fragile beauty of God’s wonderful creation is so often spoilt and compromised by greed and selfishness. We pray that people of every nation will recognise the need to support projects that aim to preserve the integrity of natural resources for the future wellbeing of our planet. Lord hear us

As schools prepare to open for the new academic year, we ask God to bless all school children, students, staff and their families. May the new academic year be a time of growth towards a hope filled future. Lord hear us

 Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions………… Lord hear us
We ask our blessed mother Mary to watch over and protect us as we pray; Hail Mary……


Heavenly Father who sent your Son Jesus Christ to bring your message of salvation to the world, we offer these prayers in his name, who  lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen