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Bidding Prayers: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 5th September 2021


Knowing that the Lord will grant us all that is good and life giving we now turn to him confidently as we pray for our needs and the needs of the world.


We pray for the Church that the bishops and clergy will bear witness to the presence of a merciful God in a world damaged by cruelty and injustice. Lord hear us

As the Paralympics games come to a close, we pray for all the athletes who have participated and demonstrated such triumph over adversity. May their example of perseverance, courage and determination help others to overcome physical challenge and disability. Lord hear us

We remember all students and young people starting university and higher education opportunities, especially those leaving home for the first time. We ask that they receive God’s blessing and protection as they follow a new path in their life. Help them to seek greater knowledge and understanding of God and our world. Lord hear us

We pray for those undergoing medical treatment at this time especially those awaiting diagnosis and surgical procedures. We ask that the Holy Spirit will watch over them and their families keeping them positive and safe. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……… Lord hear us

Let us bring our prayers and needs to our blessed mother Mary as we pray; Hail Mary………………………


Heavenly Father, who sent your Son Jesus Christ to bring your message of salvation to the world, we offer these prayers in your name, O loving and generous God. Amen