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Bidding Prayers: Feast of All Saints, 31st October 2021


We celebrate living saints, remembering especially those who have gone before us. We acknowledge that we are all united in our Father’s eternal love as we bring our prayers before Him.


We pray for Pope Francis and all religious leaders as they challenge us to take care of our fragile world. May their voices be heard so that wisdom and sensitivity will help to direct thoughts and actions on climate change. Lord hear us

May the Holy Spirit inspire all political leaders at the COP 26 Conference as they seek to embrace the changes needed to foster a more sustainable society. Instil in them the courage and gentleness to implement fairer solutions for the poorest and most vulnerable and commit nations to the care of our world. Lord hear us

As plans and strategies for the future are debated at the COP 26 Conference, we ask that all involved cooperate and listen to each other working actively towards change and not merely words and empty promises. May we too commit positive action in our own lives to recycle, reuse and prevent waste and destruction of natural resources. Lord hear us

As we celebrate the Feasts of All Saints and the Holy Souls this week, may we bring to mind the lives of those we have known and loved, whose inspiration and care have made us better people. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions………………. Lord hear us

We ask our blessed Mother Mary with all the saints to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary……………………………


Heavenly Father, help us to do your will, finding happiness and fulfilment in serving our sisters and brothers in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen