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Bidding prayers: 4th Sunday of Advent, 19th December 2021


As Christmas approaches, we turn to God, believing in his never- failing love which was revealed in the birth of Jesus.


Let us listen to our Holy Father Pope Francis as he asks us to rejoice in the Lord. He reminds us that “The closer the Lord is to us; the more joy we feel.” May our relationship with God be strengthened this Christmas and give us renewed hope for the future. We pray: Come Lord Jesus come

We pray for families divided by bitterness and tragedy. May God’s healing Spirit enable them to strive for reconciliation and future harmony. We pray: Come Lord Jesus come

We remember people who find it hard to be happy and optimistic, particularly those suffering with depression or bereavement: may they find hope in God’s loving presence in our world, especially this Christmastime. We pray: Come Lord Jesus come

Let us pray for a healthy and peaceful Christmas, may we remain cautious and vigilant to ensure we protect those we love. We give thanks to all NHS staff and carers who will continue working over the Christmas period tending to those in their care. We pray: Come Lord Jesus come

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions…… We pray: Come Lord Jesus come

We ask Mary, woman who faithfully waited to pray with us; Hail Mary………


Heavenly Father you sent your son Jesus Christ to bring the message of salvation to the world, let us follow the Star of Bethlehem this Advent and prepare for the coming of Jesus’s birth. Guide us with your love and compassion as we place all our trust and hope in you who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen