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Bidding Prayers: Christmas 2021


On this holy night (day) let us implore the God of perfect peace to fill us with the glory of the Word-Made-Flesh.


You have given us Christ to be our light. In the name of the Prince of Peace, enable us to be a people ever eager to do what is right, peaceable, and just. We Pray: “Glory to God in the Highest.”

You have given us Christ, the Living Word. In the name of the Wonder-Counsellor, pour out the Spirit of wisdom and understanding on all leaders. We Pray: “Glory to God in the Highest.”

You have given us Christ to be the herald of good news to the poor and lowly. In the name of the Anointed One, help the church as it carries on Christ’s mission of mercy. We Pray: “Glory to God in the Highest.”

You have given us the descendant of David to be our blessed hope. Be with your people in this time of Pandemic lift our spirits by your birth, and help us to be caring and compassionate to all. We Pray: “Glory to God in the Highest.”

You have given us a vision of your glory in the birth of Christ. In the name of Jesus, the child of Mary, bring all the dead to the reign of eternal light and life. We Pray: “Glory to God in the Highest.”

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions (pause) ……………………… We Pray: “Glory to God in the Highest.”

As we ask Our Lady’s help let us remember all front line service members who are working at this time..…….. Hail Mary


God of glory, the light of Christ reveals your love for us. Receive our prayers and grant that we may always receive your Word-Made-Flesh with grateful hearts. We this through Jesus born today and who lives and reigns for ever and ever, Amen