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Bidding Prayers: 5th Sunday of Easter, 7th May 2023


Lord God, Jesus told us not to let our hearts be troubled, to trust in you and trust in him, we bring our prayers with confidence in his infinite love.


We pray for Pope Francis that he may be strengthened and supported in this Easter season to proclaim to all people the joy of the Gospel and inspire within us a concern for the needs of the vulnerable in our community. Risen Lord; hear our prayer

We pray for King Charles III and Queen Camilla, and ask for God’s blessing as they begin their reign. May they promote unity, compassion and generously serve the nation so that truth, justice, harmony and fairness flourish. Risen Lord; hear our prayer

We pray for the safety of children currently living in fear, vulnerable to abuse and neglect. May CARITAS and other agencies be supported in their work to protect children living in unsafe conditions and secure them a positive future. Risen Lord; hear our prayer

We pray for ourselves that we may be willing to cultivate our relationship with God seeking an ever -deepening relationship with him. Help us to reflect the love of God in our daily interaction with those closest to us. May we always see the positive side of life and remain optimistic. Risen Lord; hear our prayer

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and those presented today in our Parish Book of Intentions…………….. Risen Lord; hear our prayer

We ask Mary our mother Queen of the May to watch over, guide and protect us as we pray; Hail Mary………..


Heavenly Father we give thanks for your unfailing love and ask that we will always remain close to you as we journey through our daily lives, through Christ Our Lord Amen